Marine Renewable Energy Academy
Burgas, Bulgaria

Second edition of Marine Renewable Energy Academy

International Congress Center in the sunny town of Burgas, located on the Bulgarian Black Sea coast

Littoral countries in the Black Sea region are increasingly interested in offshore energy, which will play an important role in reconfiguring the region's energy security and particularly transforming coal dependent regions. Offshore wind energy, in particular, could be leveraged to decarbonize the power sector, enhance innovation deployment, and boost the local economy. Bulgaria, Romania, Greece, and Turkey have taken initial steps towards establishing emerging offshore wind energy markets, and may also deploy other groundbreaking energy technologies with synergies such as floating solar, wave energy, and green hydrogen. These efforts are in response to the European offshore wind energy industry's warning that Europe must tap all of its sea basins until 2026 to meet its offshore energy and climate targets by the end of the decade.The Faculty of Economics and Business Administration of Sofia University launched the first edition of its Marine Renewable Energy Academy in September 2023 and will continue to facilitate the educational program annualy in the first September week.
This five-day international summer school is aimed at young professionals in the region who are interested in innovative technologies for offshore renewable energy.

First edition of Marine Renewable Energy Academy

The first edition of MREA gathered more than 25 representatives of countries from the Black Sea region - both students and researchers from academia, as well as a number of practitioners from state institutions and companies. Lecturers from leading academic centers in Great Britain and other countries with experience in this field participate in the training. Prof. Dr. Maurizio Collu, a leading figure in Offshore Renewable Energy Engineering at the NAOME Department of the University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, delved into cutting-edge research on the design of floating offshore wind turbines. Dr Srinivas Sriramula CEng MIMechE, brought over the University of Aberdeen's wealth of experience in transitioning from traditional oil and gas industries to offshore wind and renewables. He put a special focus in his lectures on hydrogen synergies. Dr. Maria A. Petrova, a Bulgarian scholar based in the USA at Georgetown University, presented pioneering research on public attitudes regarding the adoption of wave energy in Oregon. Dr. Anne Velenturf, a key figure in the Resource Recovery from Waste programme at the University of Leeds, presented the principles of circular economy in the wind industry. Dr. Niels-Erik Clausen, an associate professor from DTU, shed light on environmental impact considerations during the planning and development phases of offshore wind farms. Dr. Rachel Brown, marine planning leader at the Marine Management Organisation of the UK Government, shared invaluable insights into maritime spatial planning. Danish practitioner Jørgen Nellemose bringing his immense experience explored the financial, investment, and risk aspects of offshore wind energy projects. Chief Ass. Prof. Dr. Mariya Trifonova led the opening and the closing modules of the Academy.

To register for the course, please visit the following link:

Day 1: 02.09.2024Introduction to Marine Renewable Energy
10:00-10.10Welcome note
10:10-10.30Welcoming by Assoc.Prof. Atanas Georgiev, Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration
10:30-12.00Opening lecture: Prospects for development and the role of marine renewable energy in the future Net-Zero Economy with focus on the Black Sea Region
11:45-13:15Overview of marine renewable energy technologies: wave, offshore wind, floating solar, and ocean thermal energy conversion (OTEC). Review of the advantages and challenges of marine renewable energy compared to traditional fossil fuels and other renewable energy sources.
14:15-16.00Introduction to the basic principles of marine renewable energy
Day 2: 03.09.2024Technological Advances and Innovations
9:00-10:30Overview of the latest technological advances and innovations in offshore wind energy
10:45-12:15Floating Solar
13:15-14:45Oil and Gas Industry's Transition to Marine Renewable Energy
15:00-16:30Synergies with Hydrogen
17:00-20:00Social event: Group visit to St. Anastasiya Island
Day 3: 04.09.2024R&I Day. Research Projects Fair
9:00-09:50PSET Plan Implementation, R&I Agenda
11:00-12:00JustWind4All: Justice in Wind Energy Development
14:00-15:00Zebra Project/ Recyclability
External event:WindLab 3: Value Added for Local Economy
Day 4: 05.09.2024Environmental Impacts, Maritime Spatial Planning, Social Consideration
9:00-10:30Planning and development of offshore wind farms. Maritime Spatial Planning and approaches to co-existence between offshore renewable energy projects and other economic activities at sea
10:45-12.15MSP as a tool to stimulate a sustainable blue economy while tackling climate change and biodiversity loss
13:15-14:45Planning and development of offshore wind farms. Maritime Spatial Planning and approaches to co-existence between offshore renewable energy projects and other economic activities at sea
17.00-20.00Social event: Visit of Local Fishermen's Village
Day 5: 06.09.2024Policy and Regulation. Economics and Finance
9:00-10:30Discussion of the policy and regulatory frameworks governing marine renewable energy, including local, national and international policies and strategic directions
10:45-12:15Investment models: CAPEX, OPEX, WACC, LCOE, Parameters for Profitiability. Social-economic effects of CfDs
13:15-15:00Risk Management in Offshore Wind Energy Project Development
15:00-16:00Certificate Awarding

The Academy will be held in the picturesque and sunny town of Burgas. Our chosen venue, the congress center, is conveniently situated between the Burgas Sea Garden, offering beautiful beaches, and the bustling port of Burgas.For the first 15 participants who register, we can offer hotel accommodation at preferential prices in hotels located in walking distance.The options available are:

Registration for the 2024 edition is now open.The participation fee of 350 Euros covers a lunch snack, coffee breaks, and lecture materials.Certificates will be issued for attending all five days.The first 15 participants can enjoy preferential rates at Hotel Bulgaria, with prices ranging from 65 Euros (standard room) to 85 Euros. Please see section Location for more information.We look forward to welcoming you to the second edition of the Academy, scheduled for September 2024.


mgtrifonova@feb.uni-sofia.bgMariya Trifonova, PhDChief Assistant ProfessorDepartment of Industrial Economics and ManagementFaculty of Economics and Business Administration
Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski
1113 Sofia, 125 Tsarigradsko Shose Blvd., bl.3,

Благодарим ви!/ Thank you!

Sofia University,
Faculty of Economics and Business Administration

The presentation of the lecturers in the second edition of MREA will be published by the end of July.

Scroll down to read moreAss.Prof. Dr. Mariya Trifonova brings 13 years of experience with Renewable Energy Sources (RES) technologies. She is also deputy director of Net-Zero Lab and lecturer at FEBA where she teaches RES and biofuels, Sustainable development of energy systems, Green and circular economy. Her Ph.D. focuses on institutional factors for RES development in three EU countries, and she has also conducted various studies on social acceptance of renewable energy technologies. Dr. Trifonova is the author of the first techno-economic assessment of offshore wind energy potential in the Bulgarian section of the Black Sea based on nation-specific data and was part of the working group that drafted the offshore wind legislative act in Bulgaria. She is a member of the steering committee of ETIPWind and former coordinator of the BLUECEE initiative aimed at establishing the Black Sea Renewable Energy Coalition, replicating Offshore Coalition for Energy and Nature (OCEAN). Dr. Trifonova is also a member of the research team of the Horizon-funded JustWindforAll and she served as co-chair of the Energy Transition Commission, a sub-committee of the Bulgarian Ministerial Council’s Advisory Body on the European Green Deal. Dr. Trifonova co-authored knowledge pieces on sustainable renewable energy deployment for Cohesion4Transition community of practice (DG Region).

Technical University of Denmark,
Department of Wind and Energy Systems Society, Market and Policy

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Niels-Erik Clausen works at DTU Wind Energy with planning and development of wind farms, icing of wind turbines, environmental impact and social acceptability of wind energy. He has been project manager or coordinator of various research projects in this field. Since 2007 he has been teaching planning and development of wind farms as a part of DTU’s two-year MSc programme, where he is a head of the study board. Dr. Clausen brings 15 years of experience working as a mechanical engineer in the private sector before joining DTU.

University of Leeds,
School of Civil Engineering

Dr Anne Velenturf works in the Resource Recovery from Waste programme (RRfW) at the University of Leeds where her main role is to facilitate collaboration between their academic, government and industry partners. She is currently Senior Research Fellow in Circular Economy in the School of Civil Engineering. Across the UK, she works with foundation industries such as cement, metals, glass, paper, ceramics and chemicals who manufacture 75% of materials in our economy. Internationally, Anne supports the embedding of circular economy approaches in the wind industry. Dr. Velenturf has explored in her recent research projects circular economy practices into the design, operation and end-of-use management of offshore. She holds various advisory positions for government, research councils and industry within and outside the UK wind infrastructure.

University of Aberdeen,
School of Engineering

Dr Srinivas Sriramula is a Reader in the School of Engineering at the University of Aberdeen, UK. He is Chartered Engineer (CEng, MIMechE) with research interests broadly focused on the development of data-driven risk and reliability modelling approaches for engineering infrastructure, with a focus on energy transition. He has led and been leading industry-funded projects on risk-informed long-term performance of derogated infrastructure at the National Decommissioning Centre, funded through the Net Zero Technology Centre (NZTC). Dr Sriramula has led an Innovate UK funded KTP project to enhance the reliability of safety-critical components, which was rated ‘Outstanding’ by the KTP panel (2022). He has previously collaborated with Lloyd's Register in developing safety factors for offshore wind turbine structures and contributed towards the research activities of the Lloyd's Register Foundation (LRF) Centre for Safety & Reliability engineering at Aberdeen.

Georgetown University

Dr. Maria Petrova is an environmental scientist at Georgetown University, USA. She completed a Ph.D. in environmental science at Oregon State University, where she focused on examining public opinion on the introduction of wave energy in the state of Oregon. She holds an M.A. in marketing, advertising, and public relations from the University of Sheffield and a B.A. in business administration from the American University in Bulgaria.Petrova’s research and course topics include environmental science and policy, climate change, sustainability, and renewable energy. She serves as a section co-editor of the UC Press journal Case Studies in the Environment and is an associate of Harvard University’s Davis Center for Russian and Eurasian Studies.

University of Strathclyde,
Department of Naval Architecture, Ocean and Marine Engineering

Dr. Maurizio Collu is a Professor in Offshore Renewable Energy Engineering at the NAOME Department of the University of Strathclyde, Glasgow. His area of expertise is applied mechanics, focusing in particular on multidisciplinary, coupled model of dynamics for offshore renewable energy systems. He develops conceptual and preliminary design methodologies for offshore renewable energy systems.
Prof. Collu is currently the Principal Investigator of one of the five EPSRC Joint UK-China Offshore Renewable Energy flagship projects (INNO-MPP). His research group is focusing on the development of multi-purpose offshore platforms for the sustainable development of small/isolated communities, exploiting the synergies among offshore renewable energy and aquaculture industries. He also contributes to “The Blue Growth Farm” project, focusing on the development and demonstration of an automated, modular and environmentally friendly multi-functional platform for open sea farm installations of the Blue Growth Industry.
Prof. Collu sits on several international committees, including the ITTC Specialist Committee on Hydrodynamic Modelling of Marine Renewable Energy Devices and the OMAE Ocean Renewable Energy technical committee.

Independent Consultant, Practitioner

Jørgen Nellemose is a practitioner with over twenty years of industry experience working in the energy and renewables industry.
He currently acts as Lender's Technical Advisor on large-scale on-/offshore wind power and solar projects and has a vast international experience within the due diligence process, supporting and providing market input to investment projects and business development initiatives, globally, to stakeholders such as developers, utilities, banks, and pension funds.
Mr. Nellemose led a variety of technical and commercial projects across Scandinavia, the UK, Germany, Poland, the Netherlands, Spain, the USA, Mexico, Panama, Columbia, the Middle East, Togo, Nigeria, Angola, Rwanda, Taiwan, Japan, South Korea, Singapore, and China.
He has developed a new cutting-edge risk management framework (incl. qualitative and quantitative risk assessments and stress testing) supporting several projects in Europe and Southeast Asia to advise developers how to improve bids/competitiveness, decrease insurance premiums and be in control, cost- and timewise, through all project phases. Mr. Nellemose is one of the initiators of the creation of the Global Wind Organisation.

Marine Management Organisation (MMO), UK

Dr. Rachel Brown is a Marine Planning Manager at the Marine Management Organisation (MMO) in England. She completed her PhD in marine ecology at York University, where she focused on the impacts of climate change and fishing on benthic communities. She has worked in marine planning at the MMO for a decade, leading the programme of work to deliver marine plans for English waters by 2021. The MMO is responsible for preparing, implementing, monitoring marine plans for English waters and supporting marine spatial planning programmes internationally. Dr Brown leads marine plan development work, including evidence and developmental projects. She is currently leading developmental work to further marine spatial prioritisation in English waters focused on how the long-term deployment of offshore wind impacts can be optimised.